
Elbow Murderpants Says Kick-Ass!

Dave Lizewski, a comic-book fanboy, decides to take his obsession as inspiration to become a real-life superhero. As any good superhero would, he chooses a new name -- Kick-Ass -- assembles a suit and mask to wear, and gets to work fighting crime. There's only one problem standing in his way: Kick-Ass has absolutely no superpowers. His life is forever changed as he inspires a subculture of copy cats, is hunted by assorted violent and unpleasant characters, and meets up with a pair of crazed vigilantes, including an 11-year-old sword-wielding dynamo, Hit Girl and her father, Big Daddy.

With the constant stream of comic book movies hitting the screen faster than light particles, you may think Kick-Ass is just another in the long daisy chain of Marvel/DC story lines Hollywood has been courting. It really isn’t. This is not to say that the things you’ll see in Kick-Ass have strictly never been done anywhere else. It’s more like the tone has a unique angle. At the same time both glamorizing and debunking the romanticism of heroism. Cynicism and altruism dance together like a married couple in this flick.

I’d love to get all pedantic and start deconstructing the movie, but there’s really nothing I want to impart other than I really enjoyed it… and I think you will too.

Nic Cage, one could argue, is a pivotal but somewhat ancillary character, so in ways he comes off as perhaps being a bit wasted in the role. He’s also a bit too cartoonish and out of his comfort zone. Aaron Johnson plays the awkward teen Kick-Ass brilliantly and makes the best punching bag I’ve seen in a long time. Mark Strong – who was amazing in Rock ‘n Rolla – (you may recognize him from the recent Sherlock Holmes) is really underrated, and does an excellent job as the main antagonist.

But the little lady who plays Hit Girl, Chloe Grace Moretz, steals the show – This movie is as much about her as it is the puberty-ridden Kick-Ass, whose misguided dreams and poorly-planned endeavor lead him smack-dab into chaos. Moretz is cool and natural in her role and adds the pure delight of true heroic style to this flick.

Despite the large presence of kids and costumes in Kick-Ass – This is NOT a movie for youngsters. As has been said, this is a “Hard R” and should be treated with discretion by parents.

That said – I’m an adult (mostly) – and I loved it. (Review by Elbow Murderpants from Bien Agiter!)

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