
WonderCon Through The Eyes Of GoFoBo.com

GoFoBo.com was out at WonderCon this past weekend in San Francisco and got a chance to track down the actors and crew from some of the most anticipated films of the year, including Kick-Ass, The Losers, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, and Toy Story 3. You can check the interviews and featurettes out after the jump.

Kick-Ass - Interview with Aaron Johnson (Kick-Ass) and Clark Duke (Jacob):

Kick-Ass - Interview with Chloe Moretz (Hit Girl) and Christopher Mintz-Plasse (Red Mist):

Kick-Ass - Interview with John Romita Jr. (Co-Creator):

The Losers - Gofobo Exclusive Featurette:

A Nightmare on Elm Street - Gofobo Exclusive Featurette:

The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Gofobo Exclusive Featurette:

Toy Story 3 - Interview with Darla K. Anderson (Producer):

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